Seismic shifts in the religious and secular landscapes are destabilizing the faith of millions. Join religious educator Jared Halverson as he explores restored ...
An in-depth study of D&C 18 - a revelation to Oliver Cowdery and David Whitmer about the worth of souls, crying repentance, the name of Christ, the calling of the Twelve Apostles, the Lord's voice in scripture, and more.
0:00 Introduction and Overview
3:08 Each Has a Role to Play
11:08 The Worth of Souls
26:41 Churches Fighting Churches
37:26 Taking the Name of Christ
47:49 The Twelve Apostles
59:59 Recognizing the Lord's Voice in Scripture
1:09:00 Heart and Hand
1:16:29 One-Liners
D&C 12-17; JS-Hist. 1:66-75 - Fellow Servants
An in-depth study of D&C 12-17 - revelations to Joseph Knight Sr. and David, John, and Peter Whitmer Jr., as well as events surrounding the experience of the 3 Witnesses and the restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood.
0:00 Introduction and Overview
3:03 Burning Daylight
11:37 Preparing the Way
24:27 The Greatest Gift
33:06 Form Letters or Individual Attention
45:52 Witnesses and Witnessing
57:09 The Meaning and Intention of Scripture
1:11:32 Tapping into Transcendence
1:24:43 One-Liners
D&C 10-11 - Second Chances
An in-depth study of D&C 10-11 - a revelation to Joseph Smith as he resumes translating the Book of Mormon after the loss of the 116 pages, and a revelation to Hyrum Smith about the Spirit and preparing to share the gospel.
0:00 Introduction and Overview
4:29 Lost and Found
12:37 Sustainable Pace
22:36 Prayers of Faith
30:59 Ahead of the Game
45:35 The Church and Other Churches
1:05:08 The Compass of Conscience
1:15:45 Preparing to Preach
1:27:00 One-Liners
"Unshaken Saints" TikTok channel:
"Unshaken Saints" Instagram channel (video clips, visuals, quotes, and print-outs):
D&C 6-9 - The Spirit of Revelation
An in-depth study of D&C 6-9 - revelations to Oliver Cowdery about revelation, testimony, and the Book of Mormon translation; and a revelation to Joseph Smith about the apostle John.
0:00 Introduction and Overview
6:01 Discovering Life's Purpose
17:03 Taking Correction
29:22 Remembering and Reconfirming
43:47 Faith, Doubt, and Fear
53:52 Extending Your Mission
1:01:31 Mind and Heart
1:14:21 Why Didn't It Work?
1:27:34 One-Liners
"Unshaken Saints" TikTok channel:
"Unshaken Saints" Instagram channel (video clips, visuals, quotes, and print-outs):
D&C 3-5 - My Work Shall Go Forth
An in-depth study of the visitation of D&C 3-5 - a revelation to Joseph Smith and Martin Harris about the loss of the 116 pages, a revelation to Joseph Smith Sr. about being called to the work, and a revelation to Martin Harris about gaining a testimony through faith rather than sight.
Transcript of this episode:
Seismic shifts in the religious and secular landscapes are destabilizing the faith of millions. Join religious educator Jared Halverson as he explores restored scripture, doctrine, history, and practice; examines patterns and pitfalls in navigating faith crisis; and wrestles with ways to make your faith unshaken.
Hello my friends, I’m Jared Halverson and this is Unshaken. I’ve spent my life studying the scriptures, my professional career teaching them, and my education at a Bible-belt divinity school exploring ways they have been used and abused, attacked and defended. And I’d like to share with you some of the things I’ve learned. In March of 2020 I created a YouTube channel called Unshaken, and six months later we hit our one millionth view, as people around the world are eagerly pursuing an unshaken faith in God by immersing themselves in His word. More and more viewers have been asking for an audio-only version of the lessons on Unshaken, and this podcast is my attempt to meet those needs. What it lacks in the visuals shown on YouTube, or the polished sound of a podcast-only production, it hopefully makes up for in its accessibility to the drivers, joggers, and multi-taskers out there who want to study their scriptures “on the go.” To you, welcome to our verse-by-verse, Come Follow Me study of the scriptures. I pray that it helps your faith in Christ become unshaken.
Disclaimer: The content of these podcasts is the sole responsibility of their creator and does not reflect the official position of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or the Church Educational System.