AI Revolution Podcast | Chat-GPT, Midjourney, OpenAI
AI Revolution explores the best AI tools that you can use to improve your life; news on AI development, including tools like Chat-GPT 4, Midjourney, DALL-E; and...
Professor Flunks Half His Students After ChatGPT Falsely Claims It Wrote Their Papers
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A Texas A&M college professor reportedly failed part of his senior class after using ChatGPT to check whether or not they cheated on their final assignments.
“I copy and paste your responses in [ChatGPT] and [it] will tell me if the program generated the content,” he wrote, saying he had tested each paper twice. He offered the class a makeup assignment to avoid the failing grade — which could otherwise, in theory, threaten their graduation status.
There’s just one problem: ChatGPT doesn’t work that way. The bot isn’t made to detect material composed by AI — or even material produced by itself.
Rolling Stone: Professor Flunks All His Students After ChatGPT Falsely Claims It Wrote Their Papers
Dexerto: College Professor reportedly fails class after ChatGPT falsely claims they cheated
Photographer Admits Prize-Winning Image Was Entirely AI-Generated
Join the AI Revolution newsletter at A photographer is refusing a prestigious award after admitting to generating the prize-winning image using artificial intelligence.The German artist Boris Eldagsen revealed on his website that he was not accepting the prize for the creative open category, which he won at the Sony world photography awards. Eldagsen said he “applied as a cheeky monkey” to find out if competitions would be prepared for AI images to enter. “They are not.”Links:The Guardian: "Photographer admits prize-winning image was AI-generated"The Verge: "Samsung caught faking zoom photos of the Moon"
Is Google Search Dead? How Chat-GPT and OpenAI is Threatening Google's $162 Billion Dollar Empire
Join the AI Revolution newsletter at Until recently, Google's dominance in search – a business which was last year estimated to be worth $162 billion dollars – was impregnable. Now, there's threats looming from all sides: OpenAI's ChatGPT, Bing, and even Samsung are all racing to overtake Google in the AI business. A recent New York Times article dives into the troubles facing Google, and what it's currently doing to combat them, including new projects called Magi, GIFI, Tivoli Tutor, and Searchalong.
AI-Generated Podcast Brings Alan Watts & Terence McKenna Back from the Dead with Chat-GPT4 and ElevenLabs
Join the AI Revolution newsletter at Using Chat-GPT4 and ElevenLabs, Evan Leal generated an entirely made-up podcast from Alan Watts and Terence McKenna, chatting about psychedelics and the nature of reality. The result is uncanny.ResourcesAI Alan Watts & Terence McKenna Have A Conversation On Psychedelics, Reality & Death (GPT-4) by Evan LealTerence Mckenna & Alan Watts on the Existence of DMT Entities (AI Generated) by Josie KinsJoe Rogan and Steve Jobs Have a 20-Minute Chat in AI-Powered PodcastIt’s Game Over on Vocal Deepfakes by John Gruber
Heart on My Sleeve – Drake & The Weeknd – AI-Generated Music
Join the AI Revolution newsletter at A song featuring the voices of Drake and The Weeknd called “Heart on My Sleeve” has amassed over 250,000 Spotify streams and 10 million views on TikTok. But the two renowned musicians had nothing to do with the song — an artist going by the name Ghostwriter977 generated the song using AI.Resources:• TechCrunch article• The Verge article• CNN article
Über AI Revolution Podcast | Chat-GPT, Midjourney, OpenAI
AI Revolution explores the best AI tools that you can use to improve your life; news on AI development, including tools like Chat-GPT 4, Midjourney, DALL-E; and developments from OpenAI, Sam Altman, Elon Musk, and others.