Sift through the BS in the golf fitness and performance world to find out what actually transfers to sport and will make golfers better. The Par4Success Team ta...
3 Simple Tricks Golfers Wish They Knew Before They Hurt Their Back - 032
Bobby, Chris, and Tyler tell you how to fix and prevent back pain. Learn what works and what doesn't.
Take the home assessment:
Top 3 Ways to Increase Swing Speed in Senior Golfers - 031
Bobby, Alex, and Tyler talk golf performance for over 50s. What should you do and what should you avoid to improve your game while avoiding injury? Take the home assessment:
Top 3 Ways to Increase Swing Speed in Elite Golfers - 030
Alex, Bobby, and Chris spill the secrets of how elite golfers can increase their swing speed. Take the home assessment:
Top 3 Ways to Increase Swing Speed In Junior Golfers - 029
Tyler, Chris, and Alex tell you how to maximize your junior golfer's performance while keeping things fun for them. Take the home assessment:
Why You're Too Old to Get Better - 028
Tyler, Alex, and Bobby talk about golf performance for seniors - are you really too old to get better or can you still improve?
Sift through the BS in the golf fitness and performance world to find out what actually transfers to sport and will make golfers better. The Par4Success Team takes on different topics in the golf fitness and performance worlds from an objective point of view based on science, experience training thousands of golfers and gives you the no BS truth...that's our promise
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