The Good the Bad and the Ugly: The Aviation Maintenance Industry - Raw!
As an A/P mechanic going on 16 years, I've worked on the largest and most complex aircraft in the world. But the reality of the industry can be surprising and e...
Hello everyone and welcome to 2023's first expose' episode. We're diving into the changes being put into effect for our Part 147 Airframe and Powerplant schools in the U.S and why these "changes" aren't all they appear...
While I agree the curriculum taught in A/P school(s) needs to be upgraded, modernized it doesn't end there. As almost everything "aviation" nowadays, there always seems to be a 'background motive' ... On the outside it looks great mandating curriculum changes but once you start peeling away the FAA, "Filler", you find others stand to benefit...
Will future A/P school graduates really be prepared? I'll give you my $.02, tune in!
** Correction in part 1 of the episode: I said this was 2023's first episode but it wasn't. I misspoke, its 2023's first EXPOSE' episode, my bad.
Link to my experience in A/P school:
Some other Expose' episodes: , ,
Tune in! Subscribe & share!
New episode second Wednesday of each month.
Please review the podcast on your favorite listening app, your reviews help the podcast grow :)
Email: , or Twitter @goodbadugly_ap
Facebook: PODCAST:The Good The Bad The Ugly:The Aviation Maintenance Industry | Facebook -or search for "PODCAST:The Good The Bad The Ugly:The Aviation Maintenance Industry"
* Shout out to Matt, the shows producer!
From the Archives! - Being an aircraft mechanic during the beginning of COVID
Thanks for tuning into 2023's first Bonus episode pulled "from the archives". This was recorded back in 2021 in Season 1. It was put on the back burner as other content took priority & forgotten about until this year.
I've received a lot of questions about mine & other mechanics experiences during the first few weeks COVID 19 hit the U.S. I've been hesitant to release this old recording from "the archive" Why?
Well, -> !WARNING! This episode is contentious. I expect folks with differing opinions to chime in. I speak for myself, my thoughts & my nerves only. I will NOT respond or comment to any political or bureaucratic B.S. outside of aviation & how COVID affected mechanics, cabin crews & flight crews.
It was an unnerving time trying to navigate the best way to maintain aircraft on the line while also trying to avoid contracting COVID. Little was known these first few weeks about the virus. Management had no clue, we had no clue, but we knew the virus was swiftly entering the U.S onboard aircraft & we were the 'boots on the ground', EXPOSED to this deadly virus with ZERO clue on how to protect ourselves AND maintain the aircraft.
If you think it was a walk in the park... it wasn't.
Big shout out to Matt, the shows producer for returning this year to help keep the podcast on track!
Please subscribe & share!
Email: , or Twitter @goodbadugly_ap
Facebook: PODCAST:The Good The Bad The Ugly:The Aviation Maintenance Industry | Facebook -or search for "PODCAST: The Good The Bad The Ugly: The Aviation Maintenance Industry"
**Please remember this is one of the very early episodes recorded at the very beginning thus such things as: Episode release date, quality of audio etc. has changed. To clarify: New episode 2nd Wednesday of each month and .. the audio quality of the show has improved immensely!
Podcast Aug 2023 update !
Hello everyone and thank you so much for supporting the show all these years and sticking by throughout! No, this isn't goodbye but in the upcoming months I will be taking another hiatus to take care of some personal 'stuff' which means I will be less active after October 2023. Still a few months away and there theres still new episodes incoming :) That means I will be needing someone to take over hosting 'duties' during my hiatus.
If you're seriously interested and committed to take on such a venture, reach out to me at or contact me on my social media pages and we'll chat about it. Again, this isn't goodbye forever but sometimes life throws you a curveball...
Remember YOU make a difference. YOUR VOICE counts! The aviation industry is continuing to spiral out of control where profit is prioritized over safety and you need to demand that the industry change, that it become transparent to those who deserve it... YOU and YOURS.
Please review the podcast on your favorite listening app, your reviews help the podcast grow :)
Email: , or Twitter @goodbadugly_ap
Facebook: PODCAST:The Good The Bad The Ugly:The Aviation Maintenance Industry | Facebook -or search for "PODCAST:The Good The Bad The Ugly:The Aviation Maintenance Industry"
* Shout out to Matt, the show's producer!
**Some other episodes of interest:
2023's first episode:
How to be a good manager and avoid becoming a bad one:
Interview with Xtended Aviation:
Is your GENFAM instructor blowing smoke?
Allegiant Airlines, Shenanigans at its finest:
2023's FIRST aircraft Tech talk!
The long awaited 'Aircraft Tech Talk' is back. Tune in for 2023s first Aircraft Tech Talk where I answer your aircraft "technical questions" and boy have I received a lot over the past winter!
So, sit back and relax as we dive into the technical side of how aircraft "work" and "why." Embraer's, Airbus A300's, 767's and I put the 'kabosh' to an angry listeners "Chemical Contrail" conspiracy theory!
Tune in! Subscribe & share!
New episode second Wednesday of each month.
Please review the podcast on your favorite listening app, your reviews help the podcast grow :)
Email: , or Twitter @goodbadugly_ap
Facebook: PODCAST:The Good The Bad The Ugly:The Aviation Maintenance Industry | Facebook -or search for "PODCAST:The Good The Bad The Ugly:The Aviation Maintenance Industry"
* Shout out to Matt, the shows producer!
How to be a good manager and avoid becoming a bad one.
Hey there everyone and thanks for tuning in! We're talking about how to be a good manager and how to avoid being a bad one in addition to talking about the traits of bad leadership and why they are... the way they are. And if you're a bad member of leadership listening to this, maybe you will learn something too!
Link: "A mechanics voice and why managers should listen:
Link: "Human Factors in Aviation Maintenance":
Tune in! Subscribe & share!
New episode second Wednesday of each month.
Please remember to leave a review of the podcast as well!
Email: , or Twitter @goodbadugly_ap
Facebook: PODCAST:The Good The Bad The Ugly:The Aviation Maintenance Industry | Facebook -or search for "PODCAST:The Good The Bad The Ugly:The Aviation Maintenance Industry"
* Shout out to Matt, the shows producer!
Über The Good the Bad and the Ugly: The Aviation Maintenance Industry - Raw!
As an A/P mechanic going on 16 years, I've worked on the largest and most complex aircraft in the world. But the reality of the industry can be surprising and even scary. I talk about the toxic and unsafe culture that aircraft mechanics REALLY deal with. The very things that airlines and aviation companies DON'T want you to know. Prepare yourself. The rabbit hole goes deep. Join me as I give you an inside look into the GOOD the BAD and the UGLY of Aviation Maintenance. Email:, Twitter: @goodbadugly_ap ** **
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