A chronological journey through the struggles, sacrifices, and successes of every animated feature film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios. Join your hos...
Andy and Michael take a look back at Disney and Robert Zemeckis' 2009 adaptation of "A Christmas Carol" starring Jim Carrey as... well, almost everyone. Happy Holidays,Dis-fam! Find more Dis-Order: Every Disney Film through the official RF4RM social media channels: Web | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram Rate, review, & subscribe to Dis-Order on: Apple Podcasts | Google Play | Stitcher Your feedback is appreciated. Send emails to [email protected]
Dis-Order #62 - Wish
Andy, Michael, and Hunter are joined by Kathrynn to revisit season 1 and review the 62nd animated film from Walt Disney Animation Studios, 2023's Wish! Find more Dis-Order: Every Disney Film through the official RF4RM social media channels: Web | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram Rate, review, & subscribe to Dis-Order on: Apple Podcasts | Google Play | Stitcher Your feedback is appreciated. Send emails to [email protected]
Dis-Order #2.43 - Our Favorite Disney Villains
In celebration of spooky season, we share our top 5 Disney villains and discuss why they're so good at being bad. Happy Halloween, Dis-fam! Find more Dis-Order: Every Disney Film through the official RF4RM social media channels: Web | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram Rate, review, & subscribe to Dis-Order on: Apple Podcasts | Google Play | Stitcher Your feedback is appreciated. Send emails to [email protected]
Dis-Order #2.42 - Haunted Mansion (2023)
Just in time for Halloween, we return to Gracey Manor and review Disney's 2023 spooky reboot based on the beloved attraction, Haunted Mansion. Find more Dis-Order: Every Disney Film through the official RF4RM social media channels: Web | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram Rate, review, & subscribe to Dis-Order on: Apple Podcasts | Google Play | Stitcher Your feedback is appreciated. Send emails to [email protected]
Dis-Order #2.41 - The Incredibles
Hunter, Michael, and Andy tackle the next film in the Pixar library just in time for its 20th anniversary, Brad Bird's 2005 superhero classic The Incredibles! Find more Dis-Order: Every Disney Film through the official RF4RM social media channels: Web | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram Rate, review, & subscribe to Dis-Order on: Apple Podcasts | Google Play | Stitcher Your feedback is appreciated. Send emails to [email protected]
A chronological journey through the struggles, sacrifices, and successes of every animated feature film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios. Join your hosts, Andy, Hunter and Michael, in discussion and debate surrounding Disney's most (and least) beloved fairytales and adventures in the broader context of the Walt Disney Company and the animation studio's influence on pop culture.
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