#232 Mailbag! How Do Shoes Help Us Run Farther? Super Shoe Advice? + Breakdown of New Stability Footwear in 2025
Matt Klein and David Salas are here for another mailbag episode where we answer your questions. In this edition, they cover shoes, injury rehab, training advice and more. Are there any firmer super trainers? Do you need to size up your shoes for marathon racing? What are the best strategies for dealing with shin pain? Tune in for answers to these and much more. Want your question answered? Email us at
[email protected]!Get your DOR Merch: https://doctors-of-running.myspreadshop.com/Check out our friends at Skratch and save 25% on your first order with code DOR24!Chapters0:00 - Intro4:03 - New stability shoes: Brooks Glycerin 22 GTS & Puma Foreverrun 29:30 - Is there any validity to how a shoe bends in our hands?16:44 - Do different shoes help with specific kinds of fatigue when running longer distances?24:08 - Are there any firm(ish) super-trainers?32:10 - Do you need to size up your shoes for marathon running?38:40 - Shoe recommendations for Morton's neuroma42:20 - Shoe recommendations for treadmill running45:20 - Advice for dealing with shin pain49:26 - Does running workouts in super shoes reduce the gain from the workout?58:34 - Santa Barbara vs. Houston tacos59:46 - Wrap-up