ECCHR’s podcast about activism, art and justice.
The European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR) is an independent, non-profit legal and educa...
Die neue Folge „Staatsräson gegen
Grundrechte“ beschäftigt sich mit der deutschen Staatsräson im Kontext der
anhaltenden Kriegsverbrechen Israels in Gaza. Welche politischen, rechtlichen
sowie gesellschaftlichen Auswirkungen hat sie im Inneren? Und welche solidarischen
Allianzen lassen sich gegen die repressiven Maßnahmen schließen?
Im Gespräch mit Amira Tamim (ECCHR
Alumna) sind Simin Jawabreh, Aktivistin und Politikwissenschaftlerin und Paula
Zimmermann, Fachreferentin für Meinungs- und Versammlungsfreiheit bei Amnesty
Das ECCHR hat mehrere Eilanträge gegen deutsche
Kriegswaffen- und Rüstungsexporte nach Israel gestellt. Unsere Serie von Klagen
und Eilanträgen begann am 11. April 2024 vor dem Verwaltungsgericht
Berlin. Erfahrt hier mehr
über den Fall. In unserem Q&A findet
ihr Fragen und Antworten zum Thema Völkerrecht und den aktuellen Krieg in Gaza.
Auch zum rechtlichen Hintergrund des Genozids sowie aktuellen Entwicklung haben
wir Fragen und Antworten aufbereitet. Diese findet ihr hier.
Amnesty International
veröffentlichte gerade einen Bericht, in dem sie zu dem Schluss kommen, dass
Israel in Gaza einen Genozid begeht. Den Bericht findet ihr in englischer
Sprache hier. Zur systematischen Einschränkung und Unterdrückung
der Versammlungsfreiheit in Europa gab Amnesty diesen Bericht in englischer Sprache heraus.
Simin Jawabreh hat diesen Artikel zum
kürzlich wieder eingeführten Ordnungsrecht und den damit verbunden Repressionen
an deutschen Hochschulen verfasst.
#11 Archival interventions - The untold stories of (colonial) wars
Human rights in times of crises #1
Welcome to ECCHR’s talk series on resistance and concrete utopias. With our conversations, we want to create the necessary platform for actors from all over the world to discuss and advance global human rights struggles. Human rights are a concrete utopia worth defending. But how to defend them needs to be constantly reinvented. As we find ourselves in a time of profound global transitions, human rights actors need to refer to prevailing inequalities and the underpinning social questions. ECCHR initiated an event series that is now available as a podcast to rethink the struggle for and around human rights.
Alejandra Ancheita (lawyer, founder of ProDESC, Mexico), Joshua Castellino (executive director, Minority Rights Group International), and Wolfgang Kaleck (ECCHR General Secretary) kick off our talk series Human rights in times of crises.
On the basis of Kaleck’s latest book The concrete utopia of human rights: A look back into the future (in German, S. Fischer publishers), our guests discuss how, when faced with a climate crisis, a pandemic, deeply unequal economic models, and authoritarianism, human rights activists can no longer go on with business-as-usual. These unprecedented global transitions are a chance to rethink new strategies and ways forward, and reclaim human rights and their potential for change.
For more information, go to:
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Corporate power, the role of law and human rights
Human rights in times of crises #2
Law not only organizes and secures economic profits, it is a crucial factor in creating wealth. Katharina Pistor (author, Columbia Law School) speaks with Guillermo Torres (lawyer, ProDESC), Johan Horst (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) and Miriam Saage-Maaß (ECCHR program director Business and Human Rights) about how corporate power and law are intertwined.
Our guests explore how economic and financial law are important factors in creating corporate power, and our legal and political options to restrict this dynamic of growing corporate wealth and power. Can human rights, especially economic and social rights, play a role in insuring our societies become more equitable?
Human rights in times of crises is ECCHR’s talk series on resistance and concrete utopias. With our conversations, we want to create the necessary platform for actors from all over the world to discuss and advance global human rights struggles. Human rights are a concrete utopia worth defending. But how to defend them needs to be constantly reinvented. As we find ourselves in a time of profound global transitions, human rights actors need to refer to prevailing inequalities and the underpinning social questions. ECCHR initiated an event series that is now available as a podcast to rethink the struggle for and around human rights.
For more information, go to
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(Post)colonial injustice: Genocide in Namibia and Black Lives Matter
Human rights in times of crises #7
Colonialism continues to shape our current social, economic, and political world order to a substantial degree. In a discussion with prominent human rights advocates at this last event of our series, we will bridge different aspects of a larger struggle, encompassing reparations claims for German colonial crimes in Namibia, the legacy of slavery, unfinished decolonization, as well as the vibrant Black Lives Matter movement in the United States. How can human rights law be used to resist and counteract (post)colonial injustices? How are these movements broadening and intensifying their connections to human rights work and networks?
In this episode, Sima Luipert (Deputy Chairperson of the Nama Traditional Leaders of Namibia), Vince Warren (Executive Director of the New York-based Center for Constitutional Rights), and Meena Jagannath (Director of Global Programs at Movement Law Lab based in Florida), take part in a conversation moderated by Wolfgang Kaleck (ECCHR General Secretary).
Human rights in times of crises is ECCHR’s talk series on resistance and concrete utopias. With our conversations, we want to create the necessary platform for actors from all over the world to discuss and advance global human rights struggles. Human rights are a concrete utopia worth defending. But how to defend them needs to be constantly reinvented. As we find ourselves in a time of profound global transitions, human rights actors need to refer to prevailing inequalities and the underpinning social questions. ECCHR initiated an event series that is now available as a podcast to rethink the struggle for and around human rights.
For more information, go to:
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ECCHR’s podcast about activism, art and justice.
The European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR) is an independent, non-profit legal and educational organization dedicated to enforcing civil and human rights worldwide.
Together with those affected and partners worldwide, ECCHR uses legal means to end impunity for those responsible for torture, war crimes, sexual and gender-based violence, corporate exploitation and fortressed borders.
Find out more here: and in our Living Open Archive: