Mundane Miracles is a biweekly podcast where author and host Sonya Renee Taylor shares stories, reflections, anecdotes and epiphanies from her daily existence i...
Sonya shares the journey behind her 2017 move to Aotearoa / New Zealand stemming from a magical 40th birthday trip, her attainment of permanent residency, and what ultimately led her to sell all her possessions and leave the most beautiful place she's ever experienced in 2022. She reminds us that our new lives will cost us our old ones and asks us to envision, in the midst of loss, what may be waiting around the next bend.
Miraculous Musings:
*What have you had to give up this year? What have you chosen to give up? What emotions have those experiences elicited?
*Are there examples from your life of times you parted with something or someone and then experienced growth or transformation you hadn't foreseen?
*In what ways do you want your life to change in 2025?
Producer: Sonya Renee Taylor
Editor: Dr. Shannon Weber
Music: "Joy & Grief" and "Dying", The Bengsons
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5. I'll Go With You
For those of us on a spiritual path, we might end up trying so hard to decode what the universe "wants" us to do and where we're "supposed" to go that we miss the ways the divine is with us no matter where we are. Sonya discusses her experiences traveling all over the world in search of divine alignment only to realize that it's okay to plant some roots too.
Miraculous Musings:
*Are there times you've made spiritual decisions driven by fear? What made you realize it was fear that was driving you?
*What would it look like to replace the fuel of fear with the fuel of love? What would change in your life?
*What do you want in your life that you've convinced yourself you're not "allowed" to have? Are there ways you can start saying yes?
Producer: Sonya Renee Taylor
Editor: Dr. Shannon Weber
Music: "Joy & Grief" and "Dying", The Bengsons
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4. Rubber Band Time
Struggling with time is a very human thing. There often doesn't seem to be enough of it in the day. Or the time we allot to something ends up taking much longer than anticipated, the clock ticking down to some negative consequence.
But what happens when we work on folding in some radical acceptance of the situation? What sweet surprises might open up as a result? Sonya shares the lessons she's been learning as a world traveler catching lots of flights and dealing with lots of lateness!
Miraculous Musings:
*Can you think of a time you were stressing about time and what initially seemed like the universe cursing you ended up being okay or even benefitting you in some way?
*What changes about the landscape around you when you slow down instead of rushing through it?
*If you struggle with chronic lateness, what are some strategies you can deploy ahead of time to help future you out and ease some of the strain?
Black Girl's Guide to Surviving Menopause:
Producer: Sonya Renee Taylor
Editor: Dr. Shannon Weber
Music: "Joy & Grief" and "Dying", The Bengsons
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3. On A Chicken Wing and A Prayer
Sonya shares her journey of becoming vegan and how she learned to lean into discomfort in the service of maintaining her self-integrity.
Miraculous Musings:
*Have you ever been directed to change your life in ways that initially seemed uncomfortable or unappealing? If so, what did you learn from it on the other side of that change?
*How might you be able to discern when you're in alignment with your highest good? Where do you feel it in your body and/or spirit?
Producer: Sonya Renee Taylor
Editor: Dr. Shannon Weber
Music: "Joy & Grief" and "Dying", The Bengsons
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2. At the Level of Kombucha
Grief. Loneliness. Displacement. Core wounds around home and belonging. Feelings under the Aries full moon. …Mysterious hives and kombucha?
Sonya discusses all this and more as she shares how to listen to the smallest signs that we are indeed cared for by the universe.
Miraculous Musings:
*How does your body communicate with you about what’s in your highest good? How can you listen?
*How has life been tending to you this week to help you avoid discomfort and pain?
*What stories have you told yourself about how you’re being denied and deprived by life? Are there other emerging stories that are true too?
The Birthday Gift:
Producer: Sonya Renee Taylor
Editor: Dr. Shannon Weber
Music: "Joy & Grief" and "Dying", The Bengsons
Support Sonya's work:
Mundane Miracles is a biweekly podcast where author and host Sonya Renee Taylor shares stories, reflections, anecdotes and epiphanies from her daily existence in an effort to collect evidence that life is truly loving and kind, full of intention, and guiding us all toward greater love, grace, and compassion. Proving that if we learn to look and listen, we will hear and see that life is indeed unfolding for our highest good.
Join Sonya each week as she shares weekly evidence that life is happening on purpose, with love, and for our highest good... even when it sucks!
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