How can we all help shape better policies for better lives? OECD Podcasts bring you insightful interviews with experts and well-known personalities on such pres...
L’emploi à l’ère de l’IA générative—une opportunité pour tous et partout ? – avec Eric Pérès
L’intelligence artificielle générative transforme rapidement les marchés du travail, notamment à l’échelle locale. Elle aide à combler les pénuries de main d'œuvre et renforce la productivité. Mais elle creuse aussi la fracture numérique entre les zones urbaines et rurales.
Dans cet épisode des Podcasts de l'OCDE, Pauline Arbel et Karen Maguire accueillent Eric Pérès, le Secrétaire général de FO-Cadres.
Au fil de leur conversation, Karen et Eric explorent la question de l’impact géographique à l’ère de l’IA générative.
Invité : Eric Pérès
Animation : Pauline Arbel et Karen Maguire, Cheffe de division pour le Programme pour l'emploi et le développement économique au niveau local (LEED)
Pour en savoir plus: Rapport "Création d'emplois et développement économique local : La géographie de l'IA générative" paru en novembre 2024 en anglais.
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Why are health statistics some of the OECD’s most popular indicators?
The COVID-19 pandemic brought health statistics into the spotlight, from tracking excess mortality to understanding the financial impact on healthcare systems. But health statistics are just as vital today as they were during the pandemic.
In this episode of Behind the Numbers, Ashley Ward is joined by OECD Head of Health Accounts David Morgan and Policy Analyst Gabriel di Paolantonio to discuss how health data, like expenditure and mortality trends, helps countries benchmark progress, build resilient health systems, and prepare for future crises.
Explore the work behind these datasets, from maintaining cross-country comparability to publishing real-time mortality statistics, and find out why OECD Health Statistics is a trusted resource for researchers and policy-makers alike, worldwide.
Host: Ashley Ward, Advisor and Communications Manager (OECD Statistics and Data Directorate)
- David Morgan, Head of Health Accounts, Health Division, (OECD Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs)
- Gabriel di Paolantonio, Policy Analyst (Secretariat of the International Forum on TOSSD)
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Better data for better policies: inequality and the digital economy
How does the richest group of households in a country compare to the poorest? How can we expose the growing importance of the digital economy, often hidden in macroeconomic statistics?
These questions are at the centre of upcoming updates to the System of National Accounts (SNA), which aim to provide policymakers with the information required to better understand the distribution of income, consumption and saving, and the scale and impact of the digital transformation.
In this second episode of Behind the Numbers, Ashley Ward delves into the critical work that ensures ensure that the System of National Accounts (SNA), which provides the international standard for countries to measure their economies, keeps up with an ever-changing world, in conversation with Jorrit Zwijnenburg (Acting Head of National Accounts Division), Bram Edens (Environmental Accounts and Supply-use Tables), and former analyst Li Hiang Ng.
Host: Ashley Ward, Advisor and Communications Manager (Statistics and Data Directorate).
- Jorrit Zwijnenburg, Acting Head of Division (National Accounts Division)
- Bram Edens, Head of the Environmental Accounts and Supply-use Tables Sections (National Accounts Division)
- Li Hiang Ng, Former Analyst (National Accounts Division)
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Decoding GDP: How to measure pastries, pencils, and pyjamas
Most people know Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as the go to number to evaluate an economy's performance. It is often referenced in the news, sometimes directly, other times implied in discussions of economic recession, recovery or boom. But other indicators, further removed from the limelight, are also vital for economic analysis: for example, Household Disposable Income (HDI) helps us to monitor changes in money that households have available to either spend or save for the future.
In this episode of OECD Podcasts, Ashley Ward goes behind the numbers to learn how they're compiled, what they're good for, and how they complement each other with the help of the National Accounts Division’s Sofia Sacks Ferrari and Philip Chan.
Host: Ashley Ward, Advisor and Communications Manager (Statistics and Data Directorate).
o Sofia Sacks Ferrari, Statistician (National Accounts Unit)
o Philip Chan, Analyst (National Accounts Unit)
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Breaking barriers to the labour market for women with Yalla Trappen
Guest: Frida Grundhal, Project Co-ordinator, Yalla Trappan.
In this edition of OECD Podcasts, Katrina Baker and Shayne MacLachlan are Joined by Frida Grundahl from Yalla Trappen; a groundbreaking social enterprise dedicated to creating job opportunities and fostering financial independence for Sweden’s foreign-born women. Statistically, foreign-born women are said to be one of the most distant from the labour market and Yalla Trappen is working to empower these women by giving them an opportunity to break down their social isolation, and to help them stand on their own two feet financially.
In their conversation, Shayne and Frida discuss examples of Yalla Trappen’s work and strategies, the struggles of establishing a non-profit in a competitive environment and how Yalla Trappen has partnered with business and local government to crack policy challenges regarding foreign-born women and getting them meaningful employment.
For more on OECD Local Development
How can we all help shape better policies for better lives? OECD Podcasts bring you insightful interviews with experts and well-known personalities on such pressing challenges as inequality and inclusive growth, the economy, jobs, the digital transformation, climate change, the environment, education, healthcare, tax, trade, international co-operation, and more.
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