EP 216 // Trondy Skiathlon Debrief with Lars Young Vik
Your Nb 1 nordic podcast is back ! This time we have Lars Young Vik from the Aussie corner discussing with us the latest that's happened on the world champs skiathlons. Stay tuned for the excitement ahead of the 10km Classic ...
EP 2.15 // D1 Trondheim sprints and crashes
Your nb 1 nordic podcast is back ! This time we discuss all the exciting things happening on the sprint and look unto tomorrow with the skiathlon coming up ...Tune in. !
EP 214 // Trondy here we are with Benji Moser
Your nb 1 nordic podcast is back ! This time we discuss the latest ahead of the Trondheim 2025 world championships. We get the help of Austrian skier Benjamin Moser. Tune in !
EP 213 // WC done for now ... Trondheim next !
Your nb 1 nordic podcast is back ! After a slightly longer break we catch up all the exciting things that have happened for the last couple weeks, but most importantly the trondheim world champs coming up... Tune in to hear the latest !!
Skirious Debrief // ENGADIN, Silvaplana
We keep it brief to update you on all that's happen over the week end in Engadin, Chicco DSQ, Finnish team cutting corners and more... tune in to hear the latest goss !