An episode-by-episode discussion of The West Wing, one of television’s most beloved shows, co-hosted by one of its stars, Joshua Malina, along with Hrishikesh H...
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
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Starring Kevin Kline, Sigourney Weaver, and Kevin Kline. This one was a Patreon subscriber pick!Additional materials:
an article about the making of Dave
Kevin Kline plays Mr. Fischoeder in Bob's Burgers
"clever" as an insult in Fight Club
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The Candidate
Is The Candidate, in fact, the anti-West Wing? A political story that ends not with a bang, but with a question of existential dread.
Interview with screenwriter Jeremy Larner in Brooklyn Magazine
The trailer for Downhill Racer (1969)
Jerry Seinfeld on Letterman: "You're rooting for clothes."
Let us know what you thought of the film!
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A Face In The Crowd
Did this movie predict Trump back in 1957? We discuss the film debut of Andy Griffith in a role so dark, anyone who knows the Andy Griffith show might experience some uncomfortable dissonance.Some goodies that came up in our conversation:
The dance of joy from "Perfect Strangers"
This essay about the film on the Criterion website
Albert Brooks and Holly Hunter in a great scene from Broadcast News
The 'ten-word-answer' scene from The West Wing
What did you think of the film, on a scale of 1–10 grains of inert matter? Let us know!
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This week, we dive deeper into the role of the fourth estate, as we discuss Network, the Oscar-winning film that was meant to be a wild satire at the time it was released, but ended up uncannily predicting the future.Some additional reading material:Mad As Hell, Dave Itzkoff's book about NetworkDirectors' Guild of America post about Sidney Lumet at a 2003 screening of NetworkVanity Fair article on the legacy of Network (which includes thoughts from Aaron Sorkin)
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An episode-by-episode discussion of The West Wing, one of television’s most beloved shows, co-hosted by one of its stars, Joshua Malina, along with Hrishikesh Hirway of Song Exploder.