This is a Lizzie McGuire enthusiast podcast. Each week hosts Chelsea and Ryan Gregson recap an episode of the television series Lizzie McGuire, and along the wa...
Wow! That was quite the break we took.. hehe. But now we're back and feeling good! On this episode we take the time to explain what has been going on, and we answer a few questions from some friends. So happy to be here again! (As I'm typing this my 2 year old is trying to press the keys and random buttons on my laptop.. so I'm just going to go ahead and finish this description)
Ep 31 - Diarrhea
Hi friends. This episode we give a bit of a life update and explain why episodes will be coming out less frequently. Hoping it doesn't stay like this for too long, but thank you for being a part of this and supporting us either way. Also in this ep we share very random middle school stories, and then completely unrelated, we talk about trips we've taken together. Coop is waking up from his nap now and I also can't think of what else to write. Happy June!
Ep 30 - Gordo and the Dwarves
Wow we're here! Yaaay! This episode is an interesting one. Gordo gets himself sucked into the world of D&D, except it's not D&D it's like Dwarf Lord or something. During the episode we talk about a song I've been really into these days, how tired Ryan is, and my family's favorite dice game called Bolo. Please forgive me for the delay in getting this out. I've been having a hard time balancing full time work and full time mom life with a 2 year old these days. <3
Ep 29 - Scarlett Larry
Welp. Here we are with one of the first really problematic episodes. There have been problematic moments and things said in previous episodes, but this might be the first time I have thought just the whole entire episode is sketch. There are still some great moments and things that I love in it, so I hope this description isn't too discouraging. Mostly the take away is that Lizzie feels pressured to "do the right thing" by going on a date with Larry Tudgeman even though she absolutely does not like him, and everyone thinks she is super nice and cool for doing so. But there is some great music in this ep!
Ep 28 - Cooper's Birth Story
Hello friends! This episode is very special to me because it's all about Cooper being born! Our boy turns 2 the day after this is published and I thought it would be fun to dedicate this to him. I personally love reading and hearing birth stories, so I hope this is cool for some of you out there. Thank you for tuning in to this very personal story. <3
This is a Lizzie McGuire enthusiast podcast. Each week hosts Chelsea and Ryan Gregson recap an episode of the television series Lizzie McGuire, and along the way share stories from their own adolescent years that relate (or not relate) to the characters on the show.