The Ghosts of Harrenhal: A Song of Ice and Fire Podcast (ASOIAF)
A Game of Thrones | House of the Dragon
Join us, as we venture chapter-by-chapter through the books in the "A Song of Ice and Fire" (ASOIAF) series, by George R.R. Martin. We will discuss the details ...
Chapter Six - The Merchant's Man - A Dance with Dragons | A Song of Ice and Fire (ASOIAF)
Send us a textQuentyn Martell is thwarted in his efforts to get from Volantis to Meereen to woo his future wife Daenerys Targaryen. Simon and Mackelly consider opening our first branch of our Essosi travel agency.Chapter Review:Quentyn Martell tries to find passage from Volantis to Slaver’s Bay. But despite the abundance of ships, nobody wants to take him. The autumn brings storms to the southern seas, and with the Dragon Queen upending the normal order of things, there’s little prospect for trade with any of the cities in Slaver’s Bay.He and his friend Gerris Drinkwater return to their lodgings, taking in the sites of Volantis. It’s the largest of the free cities, sitting at the mouth of the mighty Rhoyne river. They consider their options: go home - Quentyn couldn’t stand to return a failure, risk a journey with an untrustworthy captain, or go by land - the option favored by their final companion Archibald Yronwood. However, the length of the journey by land and the hazardous reputation of the road gives them pause.Outside their inn they’re propositioned by recruiters for the Windblown - sellswords headed to Yunkai to fight Astapor. But this gives Gerris an idea…Characters/Places/Names/Events:Quentyn Martell - Eldest son, and second child of Prince Doran Martell of Dorne.Gerris Drinkwater - Quentyn’s companion.Archibald Yronwood - The Big Man - final member of the trio.Volantis - City on the south coast of Essos at the mouth of the Rhoyne.Rhoyne - Great river of Essos.Triarch - Three rulers of Volantis, elected by landowners. Only those with the blood of Old Valyria can stand. Support the showSupport us: Buy us a Cup of Arbor Gold, or become a sustainer and receive cool perks Donate to our cause Use our exclusive URL for a free 30-day trial of Audible Buy or gift Marriott Bonvoy points through our affiliate link Rate and review us at Apple Podcasts, Spotify,, and elsewhere.Find us on social media: Discord Twitter @GhostsHarrenhal Facebook Instagram YouTube All Music credits to Ross Bugden:INSTAGRAM! : (rossbugden) TWITTER! : (@rossbugden) YOUTUBE! :
Chapter Five - Tyrion 2 - A Dance with Dragons | A Song of Ice and Fire (ASOIAF)
Send us a textTyrion and Illyrio Mopatis are trapped in a closed palanquin, hidden from the world, with just each other’s voices for company. Mackelly and Simon try to imagine what that must be like.Chapter Review:Tyrion Lannister and Illyrio Mopatis leave Pentos in a closed palanquin. Nobody can know of Tyrion’s presence or destination. He thinks that between the sailors and Mopatis’ servants the word is already out. But his host is confident of their discretion. Tyrion is doubtful. Tyrion tries to unearth Mopatis’ true motivations in helping Daenerys Targaryen regain the Iron Throne. The Pentosi claims that he just wants to help the young girl he fell in love with, that he was promised a Westerosi lordship and the role of Master of Coin. None of that convinces Tyrion. They’re headed east toward the Rhoyne, where Tyrion will go south by river to Volantis. There Mopatis expects he’ll rendezvous with Daenerys and her growing army. Tyrion will be accompanied by a sell-sword named Griff - who (again) Mopatis places an amazing amount of faith in.Characters/Places/Names/Events:Tyrion Lannister - Youngest son of Tywin Lannister whom he recently murdered. Brother to queen Cersei and Jamie Lannister. Former Hand of the King.Illyrio Mopatis - Magister of Pentos. Former guardian of Viserys and Daenerys Targaryen. Friend of Lord Varys.Lord Varys - Former Master of Whisperers in King’s Landing, freed Tyrion from captivity at Jaime’s instructions.Pentos - One of the free cities of Essos. Support the showSupport us: Buy us a Cup of Arbor Gold, or become a sustainer and receive cool perks Donate to our cause Use our exclusive URL for a free 30-day trial of Audible Buy or gift Marriott Bonvoy points through our affiliate link Rate and review us at Apple Podcasts, Spotify,, and elsewhere.Find us on social media: Discord Twitter @GhostsHarrenhal Facebook Instagram YouTube All Music credits to Ross Bugden:INSTAGRAM! : (rossbugden) TWITTER! : (@rossbugden) YOUTUBE! :
Chapter Four - Bran 1 - A Dance with Dragons | A Song of Ice and Fire (ASOIAF)
Send us a textBran and company are north of the Wall. Things are bleak but Coldhands protects them from those who would do them harm, and brings back some meat to roast. Simon and Jenny throw up in the back of their throats.Chapter Review:Bran Stark rides on Hodor’s shoulders, Meera and an increasingly frail Jojen ride on Coldhands elk. Coldhands keeps his face obscured, but there’s no hiding the coldness of the hands, nor the fact that his breath doesn’t frost before him like the others. As Summer, Bran also notices that their guide smells dead. The former brother of the Night’s Watch has ravens who report that they’re being followed.He leaves the party to deal with the pursuit while the remainder seek an abandoned village in which to rest. Bran wargs into Summer and finds wolves fighting over dead humans. This is Varmyr’s little pack, who quickly bend the knee to Summer and allow him the lion’s share of the meat. Bran comes back into himself.Coldhands has dealt with the danger, and has slaughtered a pig for them to eat. As they eat they ask the man questions. He explains his appearance is to do with him being dead. He also explains that they seek the Three-Eyed Crow: “A friend, dreamer, wizard. The last Greenseer.”Characters/Places/Names/Events:Brandon Stark - Prince (now king?) of Winterfell. Paralyzed when pushed from a tower by Jamie Lannister.Hodor - Enormous but simple-minded helper of Bran.Meera Reed - Daughter of Howland Reed.Jojen Reed - Son of Howland Reed. Has green dreams that invariably come true.Summer - Bran’s direwolf.Coldhands - Seemingly reanimated brother of the Night’s Watch.Old Nan - Ancient storyteller at Winterfell. Support the showSupport us: Buy us a Cup of Arbor Gold, or become a sustainer and receive cool perks Donate to our cause Use our exclusive URL for a free 30-day trial of Audible Buy or gift Marriott Bonvoy points through our affiliate link Rate and review us at Apple Podcasts, Spotify,, and elsewhere.Find us on social media: Discord Twitter @GhostsHarrenhal Facebook Instagram YouTube All Music credits to Ross Bugden:INSTAGRAM! : (rossbugden) TWITTER! : (@rossbugden) YOUTUBE! :
Chapter Three - Jon 1 - A Dance with Dragons | A Song of Ice and Fire (ASOIAF)
Send us a textJon has a wolf dream and wakes to face a trying day. He meets with Stannis and disappoints him by rejecting the king’s plan to assume control of the abandoned Night’s Watch castles. Afterward, he talks with Melisandre who gives him an ominous warning. Simon and Mackelly interpret her meaning.Chapter Review:Ghost races along the Wall in the night. As he runs, he senses his packmates in their various locations around Westeros. Jon Snow wakes in Castle Black realizing that he was warging Ghost in the night. He dresses and sees the unsigned grant from King Stannis sitting on his desk. This won’t be an easy day.Jon finds Stannis and Melisandre in the King’s Tower. The king is angry over another rejection letter from a northern house to his call for their support. This time it’s 10-year-old Lyanna Mormont who tells him that House Mormont will support only the King in the North, whose name is Stark. Jon tells Stannis that only Mance Rayder can bind the wildlings to the king. Stannis knows but still can’t spare the man’s life. He is an oathbreaker. Stannis asks if Jon has signed the grant giving Stannis all of the empty Night’s Watch castles. Jon hasn’t, the ask is too high. Jon suggests that the Night’s Watch provide the leaders for the castles and Stannis provides the garrisons, the need not Take the Black. Stannis rejects the idea. Melisandre walks Jon out. Outside she tells him that she has seen him in the flames with enemies all around. She sees ice, blood, daggers, and cold. When Jon says it’s always cold at the Wall, she tells him he knows nothing.Characters/Places/Names/Events:Jon Snow - Bastard son of Ned Stark. Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch.Stannis Baratheon - Brother of dead King Robert Baratheon, claims the Iron Throne because Cersei’s children are not Robert’s.Melisandre - Red Woman of Ashaii. Priestess of R’Hellor, the Lord of Light.Mance Rayder - King Beyond the Wall and former brother of the Night’s Watch. Support the showSupport us: Buy us a Cup of Arbor Gold, or become a sustainer and receive cool perks Donate to our cause Use our exclusive URL for a free 30-day trial of Audible Buy or gift Marriott Bonvoy points through our affiliate link Rate and review us at Apple Podcasts, Spotify,, and elsewhere.Find us on social media: Discord Twitter @GhostsHarrenhal Facebook Instagram YouTube All Music credits to Ross Bugden:INSTAGRAM! : (rossbugden) TWITTER! : (@rossbugden) YOUTUBE! :
Chapter Two - Daenerys 1 - A Dance with Dragons | A Song of Ice and Fire (ASOIAF)
Send us a textDaenerys learns that the Sons of the Harpy are bold enough to murder her Unsullied and her dragons are wild enough to eat children. It’s not a great day. Mackelly and Simon consider the cost of ambition.Chapter Review:Daenerys Targaryen is roused before dawn to see the body of her Unsullied Stalwart Shield’s body. He’s been murdered by the Sons of the Harpy, a group fighting a resistance war against her rule of Meereen. She orders that he be granted honorable funeral rites and that a hefty bounty is offered for information on the Sons of the Harpy.She spends the day hearing petitioners. Nobles want recompense for the losses that her rules has brought them, small folk have their own grievances. The fall of Meereen was accompanied by an orgy of lawlessness to which she has no choice but to turn a blind eye - she cannot execute or maim everyone in the city.The last petitioner bears the worst news. The dragons have grown increasingly wild and willful and farmer after farmer comes to demand the cost of their lost sheep. But the last one brings the charred bones of a human child. Dany is horrified. Characters/Places/Names/Events:Daenerys Targaryen - Last remaining descendent of the royal Targaryen line, Stormborn, Mother of Dragons, Queen of Meereen, claimant to the Iron Throne of Westeros.Unsullied - Eunuch slave soldiers. Renowned for their fighting prowess. Barristan Selmy (aka Arstan Whitebeard) - Former Lord Commander of the Kingsguard in King’s Landing. Lord Commander of Dany's Queensguard.Strong Belwas - Eunuch former slave, sent by Illyrio Mopatis to keep Dany safe. Missandei - Former child slave, now handmaid and interpreter to Daenerys. Reznak mo Reznak - Ghiscari seneschal of Meereen.Skahaz mo Kandaq (aka Shavepate) - Ghiscari noble of Meereen. Convert to Dany’s cause. Despised by the Sons of the Harpy.Hizdahr zo Loraq - Noble of Meereen, wants the fighting pits reopened.Daario Naharis - Leader of the sellsword company the Stormcrows.Second Sons - A sellsword company in Essos.Meereen - Largest city on Slaver’s Bay. Support the showSupport us: Buy us a Cup of Arbor Gold, or become a sustainer and receive cool perks Donate to our cause Use our exclusive URL for a free 30-day trial of Audible Buy or gift Marriott Bonvoy points through our affiliate link Rate and review us at Apple Podcasts, Spotify,, and elsewhere.Find us on social media: Discord Twitter @GhostsHarrenhal Facebook Instagram YouTube All Music credits to Ross Bugden:INSTAGRAM! : (rossbugden) TWITTER! : (@rossbugden) YOUTUBE! :
Über The Ghosts of Harrenhal: A Song of Ice and Fire Podcast (ASOIAF)
Join us, as we venture chapter-by-chapter through the books in the "A Song of Ice and Fire" (ASOIAF) series, by George R.R. Martin. We will discuss the details of a chapter, provide insights, give background information, and hit you with other tidbits that we find interesting. However, one thing we won't do is give spoilers! So come, let us be your guides on this epic journey. Follow us on Twitter at @GhostsHarrenhal, as well as on Facebook, Instagram, Discord, and YouTube!
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