#42 ねこの日 a play on words 【Elementary / N4-3 】Japanese Podcast for Japanese learners
2月22日は『ねこの日』ですが、どうしてか知っていますか。今回は日本語の「語呂合わせ(ごろあわせ) 」a play on wordsについて話します!Transcript : https://editor.note.com/notes/nda391988725e/edit/YouTubeには字幕(subtitle)があります。https://youtu.be/ymxWr-_8CPw?si=BRSOMPu3216Xf55L音楽:BGMer http://bgmer.net
#41 宮城県 MIYAGI 【Intermediate / N3-N2】Japanese Podcast for Japanese learners
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This podcast is for Japanese learners hosted by Yuri sensei and Hana sensei who have over 10 years of experience as a Japanese language teachers. We talk about various topics such as Japanese culture, food, and places to visit in Japan.
There are many difficulty levels to choose from. There is beginner to advanced level.
Transcript https://note.com/nihongode
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@nihongo_de_
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/nihongo_de_
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