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Free Thinking Through the Fourth Turning with Sasha Stone

Podcast Free Thinking Through the Fourth Turning with Sasha Stone
Sasha Stone
Essays on politics and culture from Sasha Stone's Substack. A former Democrat and Leftist who escaped the bubble to get to know the other side of the country an...

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  • I Thought Hamilton Was for America. I Was Wrong.
    In May 2016, I surprised my daughter for her 18th birthday with a getaway to New York City to see her favorite play, Hamilton, in the Richard Rogers Theater with the original cast. We would fly out for a day and then fly back. It would cost way too much money, I’d get my wallet stolen, but I only had one daughter, and you only turned 18 once.We were both obsessed with Hamilton. We knew every word of every song. It lived inside of us. It wasn’t just that it was brilliant, funny, moving, inventive and original. It also reminded all of us what this country’s founding principles were about. Best of all, it made learning history fun and cool. It was Schoolhouse Rock for a new generation.When taking long road trips, we would blast the soundtrack, screaming every word. We’d start at the beginning and run through the entire play. Our inside jokes were witty asides from the play that we’d quote to each other so often that we had to force ourselves to stop because, after years of this, it was getting old.By casting so many diverse people to play historical figures and making it a hip-hop musical, Hamilton was a bridge to the Black communities that were so often excluded from the Broadway experience and elite culture in general. Hamilton was for everybody, I thought. That was eight years ago.As a devoted Obama supporter and, in 2016, a Hillary Clinton loyalist, I was overjoyed at the prospect of the first woman president to follow the first Black president. Heading into the election, I wrote this piece:I wrote:The election of Hillary Clinton is one of the most important battles in the war between two Americas. One America was built and maintained exclusively by and for white men. That demographic has awakened extremists on the left and right. The other America redeems the promise of possibility for everyone, no matter their status or skin color or class. That America has produced the nation’s first black president who not only lasted one term, but two, and who now promises to make history by helping elect another Democrat to follow his two terms. Electing Hillary Clinton doesn’t just say, “We’re electing a woman for the first time in our country’s history.” It also dares to say the first black American president was so successful he did the impossible by electing his chosen successor.I didn’t notice back then that the Clinton campaign rented the entire Richard Rogers theater as a fundraiser. Tickets start at $2,700 a pop. I would never have thought twice about it. We were on the right side. It was an “all-of-society” effort to stop Trump. We were the good guys fighting the good fight, so why wouldn’t Hamilton be used that way?Lin-Manuel Miranda’s entire career exists only because of Barack Obama. 15 years ago, in 2009, in Obama’s first year in office, Miranda performed this at the White House:Over the years, Obama would co-opt the reputations and careers of major artists like Bruce Springsteen, Tom Hanks, and, yes, Lin-Manuel Miranda. They would become ride-or-die for the president, which wasn’t something I would have noticed back then.As Miranda’s play exploded and became instantly profitable and popular, we all took that to mean that everyone wanted to be included in our America. It was the better, cooler America. But that changed when Trump won. Now, all we could see was a hostile country that just rejected us.Even when the cast called out Mike Pence during the performance to protest the Trump administration, I never thought about whether it was bipartisan or not. I knew it wasn’t and I agreed with it. I couldn’t see the line between art and propaganda.But now I can. All it took was this statement by the producer of Hamilton, Jeffrey Seller, wherein the play cancels itself, hiding behind the usual gaslighting and rationalizations so common on the left:Notice right off the language here. He is doing what all establishment Democrats and Republicans have done for eight years: ignore the voices of the people. Trump defeated them not once but twice. If you believe in the founding principles of this country, you must respect their voices. But they don’t. The message they give is not for all Americans. It is only those Americans who agree with their ongoing delusions about Trump.What they can’t stand is that Trump is now saying this culture does not belong only to them anymore. It belongs to all of us, even the unwashed masses all of them abandoned years ago and continue to demonize in films, in plays, in comedy, in journalism, in all of their award shows. We’re to accept that this only goes one way. That they have a right to decide what our culture will be and Trump and his supporters do not.You did this. YOU did this. You forced Trump and his supporters to beat down the walls of the castle to be included in America’s culture. This is YOUR fault. You politicized it. You pushed propaganda on all of us for years. And now, you can’t stand it that you no longer control it, can you?Trump’s second win was a complete and total humiliation and repudiation. They still refuse to learn that lesson. They refuse to move aside and allow this country to evolve into whatever it will be now. This is a public episode. If you'd like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • Zelensky Believed His Own Publicity
    It’s Oscar Sunday, a ceremony fueled by one thing: publicity. We turn ordinary people into gods and goddesses by telling flattering myths about who they are and why they’re important. The “narrative” gives voters a reason to care and almost always drives the win.In Hollywood, they’re not planning on changing anything, just as the Democrats won’t. They haven’t noticed that, as they’re watching the band play on, the ship is made of iron and will sink.What do they even stand for anymore? Transing the kids, open borders for cheap labor, and most importantly, the war in Ukraine. Attending the Oscars is like supporting the Democrats, like supporting Zelensky—an alignment of power like no other.Unsuspecting dreamers who rise in Hollywood are often warned never to believe their own publicity. Anyone who has ever worked in publicity, or the Oscar race as I have, knows it’s nothing but pretty lies. It isn’t journalism. It isn’t criticism. It isn’t the truth. It’s like photoshopping a life.The Zelensky myth is necessary to keep hope alive that the Democrats didn’t humiliate themselves when they lost to Trump a second time. No, it wasn’t their failures. It had nothing to do with selling false narratives about Hillary and Joe, forcing voters to go along with it. This is bigger than an ordinary election. They are at war with the new “axis of evil.” And why not? They’re the “resistance,” after all.Zelensky’s entitled behavior in the Oval Office was proof enough that he believed his own publicity and lost perspective of who he was in this fight. He’s not the man who can demand anything from the United States. But who’s going to tell him?Certainly not the legacy media. Not the Democrats. Not Hollywood.Almost as soon as the war began, there didn’t seem to be any difference between celebrities, the Democrats and Zelensky. The Ukrainian Tom Cruise was suddenly everywhere, not just at award shows but on television, appearing at celebrity and news events alike, smearing together politics and culture like peanut butter and jelly. His war was supposed to be our war. If you were against it, you were “pro-Putin.” This is a public episode. If you'd like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • Three Petty Tyrants Walk Into a Bar
    Warning: This post contains satire. Proceed with extreme caution. Side effects include bouts of critical thinking and unintended laughter. If you find yourself taking it too seriously, please consult with your doctor immediately.In the hottest hell of our imaginations, two Fascists and a Communist escape into a corner bar, the Barbarossa.The black-haired man with a tiny caterpillar mustache sits in an empty booth. He is Adolf Hitler, known to his people as Mein Fuhrer. A shorter man with a thicker, fatter mustache sits at a table in the middle of the room. He is Joseph Stalin, known as Comrade or Generalissimo. And the third man doesn’t know where to sit. Barrel-chested and wide-eyed, with a cleanly shaven face—no mustache—he is Benito Mussolini, known to his people as Il Duce.“Sit, Benito,” Hitler says, pointing to the bar. Mussolini does as he is told.A tiny woman with straggly grey hair flying everywhere appears but does not make eye contact with the three dictators. She hovers and awaits her orders, pulling on her white apron. Quivering in fear, she admonishes her considerable sins and accepts her fate.“What are we drinking?” Stalin says.“Tea for me in a porcelain cup,” says Hitler. “And something sweet. Pralines!”“I will just have the usual,” Mussolini says.“Same for me,” says Stalin.The woman scurries back into the darkness and emerges moments later with a bottle of vodka, a tall glass of milk, and a saucer of pralines, which she places before Hitler. He rubs his hands together excitedly like a schoolboy. “Mmmmm, my favorite!” Says Hitler, “But where’s the tea!” The woman startles and nods furiously but must first place the vodka on Stalin’s table with a shot glass and then finally serve Mussolini his tall glass of milk.As the wench turns to leave, Hitler stews. It’s taking too long. He pounds his fist on the table, and the woman races off.“That’s always been your problem, Adolf. You are too impatient,” Stalin says, pouring himself a glass. “Impatient and impulsive.”Hitler scoffs. “Enjoy your ‘water,’ Joseph. Do you think we’re that stupid?”The cursed woman returns, taking care not to spill the cup of hot tea on Hitler as she carefully places it before him. Hitler dismisses her with a wave.“Water,” Stalin says, “How would you ever know, even it was?”“We’re already bored of your little tiresome games,” Hitler says.Now, Mussolini pounds his fist on the bar. “Will both of you SHUT UP? We have urgent business to attend to.”Hitler and Stalin share a look. Then, both break into giggles.“WHAT is so funny if I may ask?” Mussolini says.“You, uh, have a bit of a milk mustache, Benito; it looks like mine!” says Stalin.Mussolini slides his sleeve across his face, wiping off the milk, but remains defiant.“Stop laughing, Adolf!”Hitler covers his mouth to try to keep from laughing.“Ha Ha real funny,” Mussolini says. “I used to drink milk for breakfast. Now, It’s for my stomach. A terrible ulcer.”“Settle down, Benito,” Hitler says. “We did not gather here to discuss your dietary preferences.”“You’re one to talk,” Mussolini says. “Maybe if you’d laid off the sugar, you might have—” This is a public episode. If you'd like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • How Far is Too Far for DOGE?
    I’ve been watching in horror for the past ten years as the Left - aka, the people with all of the institutional power - lose their minds. I know they don’t see it that way. They think I’m the one who lost my mind. I was radicalized by the Right, they think. I had a nervous breakdown, they think. But the truth is that I haven’t changed. The only thing I did was refuse to go along with the madness.Oh, don’t get me wrong. I went along with it at first. Even though history told me Trump couldn’t lose in 2016, I was still awash in misery and fear not just that year but every year of his presidency until the very last one when I realized everything I once believed was an illusion.I was in a bubble, a feedback loop, built by social media, tribalism, collectivism, and a wildly dishonest legacy press. My mistake was trusting that they were telling me the truth. I was shocked to find in 2020 that they were not. They were gaslighting us, doing the bidding of the Democratic Party, just as they are doing now.As an example of the level of hysteria we’re dealing with here, a review posted in Variety details how the Brazilian film, I’m Still Here is a “warning” for the United States. The headline, “It could happen here.” This is a public episode. If you'd like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • Please, Democrats, Keep Losing Elections
    Everywhere I look, I see the telltale hysteria that gripped my former party back in 2016. I was a good soldier for the Left, fighting for what I believed was the right side. The hysteria spread, infecting every corner of the Left, and at some point, we lost touch with reality.What was this that had happened to us, I wondered. Why had we abandoned our humanity? Why did the side that used to be the good guys, at least to me, feel so comfortable sliding into dehumanizing and degrading half the country? As I began asking questions, sooner or later, I would get the same one back again, “What happened to you?” But the right question was never what happened to me.The Democrats have had almost ten years to figure out that the problem was never Trump. It was always us and the pristine utopian world we built for ourselves using the internet, social media, and a charismatic leader like Barack Obama. It was a New America where everyone got a seat at the table.The Left always says the first Black president rousted the racists out of hiding, and they lost their minds. But the truth is, it was those of us on the Left who lost our minds with the first Black president. It became an addiction for us, this euphoric feeling of changing the world, of making history. Of being good.Trump’s win kicked all of us into a level of mass hysteria we couldn’t control then or now. As you can see by the headlines, every day is the end of the world - it’s a threat to Democracy, a Constitutional Crisis, a Nazi salute, a fascist in the White House. Everyone is to be feared. Every decision they make is bad and dangerous.The Democrats didn’t learn the lesson in 2016 that Trump represented a large portion of this country that had been abandoned and forgotten by us. We not only decided we were the chosen people to bring our new world to the promised land, but we also decided they were the bad people — the RACISTS — who must be kept out of our government, our culture, our institutions, our corporations — even our restaurants, our movie theaters, and our award shows.As with most utopias gone wrong, there was no due process or presumption of innocence. It was accuse lest ye be accused. It was apologize or else. It was guilty until proven innocent. We all lived in fear of a tyrannical mob on social media with the power to decide who gets to stay and who must go.What was all of this madness, this hysteria we were experiencing? It was a combination of algorithms our brains were not ready for, and how we’d cut ourselves off from the everyday lives of ordinary Americans. They at least still had one foot in normal. But us? We were crippled by delusion, ruled by hysteria.Trump threatened everything. He knocked down our carefully constructed utopian diorama with glee, and his supporters loved him for it. We just weren’t prepared for how hysteria takes hold and scares so many of us all at once. It was pure madness, and we were helpless against it.The hysteria spread to the corporate press, who got most of their information from Twitter, which was a mass hysteria delivery device. And that hysteria trickled down into the homes of anyone watching mainstream cable news. It was at the gym, airports, and the laundry mat. It was white noise in the background, selling our delusions as our new normal —quietly scaring Americans every day of the week.The hysteria brought down the empire as we attacked every potential threat to our utopia - movies, books, history, statues, buildings, words, jokes, poetry, science, marriage, men, the color of our skin, the words that came out of our mouths, what we could say online and what we couldn’t. Obey the rules or else. Be quiet or else. Sooner or later, it was bound to get to the kids. And when it did, not enough of us stood up and said ENOUGH.Usually, this would be when the FBI busts in and breaks it all up, but we controlled the FBI, so they would do nothing.I was one of the lucky ones. I got out in 2020 after the mob turned on me one too many times. If it wasn’t true about me, everything they accused me of, there was a good chance it wasn’t true about MAGA either. And it wasn’t. If you wanted to tell my story as a former Good Liberal who was radicalized online, you can think of it like this: I was radicalized by kindness, decency, and a desire to be free.All the Democrats and the Left ever had to do was snap out of it. See Trump and his supporters as actual human beings and not separate us and categorize us by the color of our skin and insist that the bloodshed of history still lives inside all of us. They could reach out and show some decency, let the rest of the country back inside the castle walls. But even that was too much of a risk for an empire in collapse.But be that as it may, until the Democrats get a grip, they must be kept out of power. So herewith are guidelines for the Democrats on how to keep losing elections, and I really think they should listen to me, don’t you? This is a public episode. If you'd like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

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Über Free Thinking Through the Fourth Turning with Sasha Stone

Essays on politics and culture from Sasha Stone's Substack. A former Democrat and Leftist who escaped the bubble to get to know the other side of the country and to take a more critical look at the left.

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