Senior teacher at the Insight Meditation Community of Washington and co-founder of the Meditation Teacher Training Institute, Jonathan Foust share weekly talks,...
How to Surf the Waves of Uncertainty, Part 2: Practices for Cultivating Steadiness
More on how to keep you keel in the water when navigating uncertainty. You’ll learn some practical strategies for finding ‘refuge,’ a place of presence, particularly accessing Wisdom - clear seeing, Compassion - a heart that can hold it all, Presence - the space of awareness itself, and Skillful Action - strategies for staying deeply present in the midst of change.
How to Surf the Waves of Uncertainty, Part 1: Practices for Cultivating Steadiness
This talk explores how you might cultivate greater steadiness in turbulent times. You’ll learn some practical tools for finding refuge in present-moment awareness, in cultivating Witness Consciousness and in watching the flow of phenomena with awake awareness and an open heart.
Gratitude as a Gateway to Liberation: The Transformative Power of Giving Thanks
This talk explores how tapping into gratitude can truly transform your life. You’ll learn how you can overcome your innate instinct toward self-centeredness and self-preservation and how you can change this in a way that can cultivate a greater sense of connectedness, resourcefulness and if nothing else, seriously stimulate your pre-frontal cortex.
Happiness and Your True Nature
This talk explores happiness as your essential nature. You’ll learn how the intention to be truly happy cultivates clarity, wisdom and the realization of the inter-connectedness of your life. This talk is live from the Unitarian Universalist Church in Arlington, VA in 2016.
The Balance of Resilience and Surrender
This talk explores how to find the equilibrium between skillful action and skillful release. You’ll learn how much of meditation practice (and life) calls for focus and sustained attention. But too tight a grip on focus can lead to missed opportunities, fresh insights and new possibilities. Learning to rest in presence can open intuitive faculties - when properly balanced.
Senior teacher at the Insight Meditation Community of Washington and co-founder of the Meditation Teacher Training Institute, Jonathan Foust share weekly talks, guided meditations and inquiries that explore how to cultivate an awakened heart and mind.