Within the traditions of the East and Japan, Zen has been attracting attention from around the world, and, on our program, a Zen monk will be speaking to you ab...
Within the traditions of the East and Japan, Zen has been attracting attention from around the world, and, on our program, a Zen monk will be speaking to you about the world of Zen. Meditation cleans the mind and body. Won't you try experiencing Japanese spirituality?
Vol.42 Zen and Modernity
Within the traditions of the East and Japan, Zen has been attracting attention from around the world, and, on our program, a Zen monk will be speaking to you about the world of Zen. Meditation cleans the mind and body. Won't you try experiencing Japanese spirituality?
Vol.41 Way-seeking Mind
Within the traditions of the East and Japan, Zen has been attracting attention from around the world, and, on our program, a Zen monk will be speaking to you about the world of Zen. Meditation cleans the mind and body. Won't you try experiencing Japanese spirituality?
Vol.40 Zen Training Ⅱ Work Practice
Within the traditions of the East and Japan, Zen has been attracting attention from around the world, and, on our program, a Zen monk will be speaking to you about the world of Zen. Meditation cleans the mind and body. Won't you try experiencing Japanese spirituality?
Vol.39 Zen Training Ⅰ Organic Learning
Within the traditions of the East and Japan, Zen has been attracting attention from around the world, and, on our program, a Zen monk will be speaking to you about the world of Zen. Meditation cleans the mind and body. Won't you try experiencing Japanese spirituality?
Within the traditions of the East and Japan, Zen has been attracting attention from around the world, and, on our program, a Zen monk will be speaking to you about the world of Zen. Meditation cleans the mind and body. Won’t you try experiencing Japanese spirituality? 東洋・日本の伝統であり、今世界で注目されている「ZEN」を禅宗の僧侶みずから語り、お伝えしていく番組。坐禅は心と体を綺麗にします。あなたもジャパニーズ・スピリチュアリティを体感してみませんか?