Have you ever struggled when you speak French? I've created a simple, easy, and enjoyable podcast to bring the joy of knowing French for all travelers and begin...
Survival French #2 - How To Talk About Your Day! Use this episode as a template to talk about your day, with learning new vocabulary, improving pronuncitation, and sharing with French speakers!A new episode series with all the French you need to nkow to be able to communicate quickly!Make sure to head to https://speakfrenchavecmoi.com/french-podcast-transcripts/ to check out the transcription AFTER listening.https://speakfrenchavecmoi.com/survival-french-2-how-to-talk-about-your-day/New! You can now become an official supporter of the podcast, with access to limited and exclusive episodes (operated by Spreaker). More to come soon! Sign up today to start to speak and understand French!Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/french-speak-french-avec-moi--4468664/support.
Survival French #1: Questions you absolutely need to know how to ask!
Survival french #1: Questions you need to know how to askA new episode series with all the French you need to nkow to be able to communciate quickly!Make sure to head to https://speakfrenchavecmoi.com/french-podcast-transcripts/ to check out the transcription AFTER listening.New! You can now become an official supporter of the podcast, with access to limited and exclusive episodes (operated by Spreaker). More to come soon! Sign up today to start to speak and understand French!Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/french-speak-french-avec-moi--4468664/support.
Learn Real French #5 for Beginners – Train Announcement
All Aboard! Listen to this train announcement in French!Listen to the episode and head to https://speakfrenchavecmoi.com/french-podcast-transcripts/ for the full FREE transcript! Would you do me a small favor? Please make sure to subscribe and share to help other listeners to find out about Speak French Avec moi!Merci et à bientôt,SéverineSpeak French Avec Moi is a French podcast for beginners and travelers with free transcripts.Posdcast transcript direct linkhttps://speakfrenchavecmoi.com/learn-real-french-5-train-announcement/Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/french-speak-french-avec-moi--4468664/support.
Learn Real French #4 At the Farmers Market!
Learn Real French #4 At the Farmers Market: The ideal way to practice French listening comprehension is to find lots of resources that are in the sweet spot — not too far outside your comfort zone, but JUST difficult enough to be a good challenge.I’ve curated and edited a real audio of a conversation between farmer and a customer at the farmer's market. This one should be really easy! In this 40 seconds audio, they go back and forth about what she buys. The audio is played at real speed without any background. I’ll play it three times. The third time is slowed down. Don’t worry if don’t understand everything. The goal is to build your comprehension of real spoken French. You’ll learn new vocabulary in the context but more importantly, you can listen and repeat to tune into the pace and flow of spoken French!Make sure to head to https://speakfrenchavecmoi.com/learn-real-french-4-at-the-farmers-market/ to check out the transcription AFTER listening.New! You can now become an official supporter of the podcast, with access to limited and exclusive episodes (operated by Spreaker). More to come soon! Sign up today to start to speak and understand French!Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/french-speak-french-avec-moi--4468664/support.
Learn Real French #3 for BEGINNERS - At the café.
Learn Real French #3 for beginners - At the café: The ideal way to practice French listening comprehension is to find lots of resources that are in the sweet spot — not too far outside your comfort zone, but JUST difficult enough to be a good challenge.You want it to be challenging but also doable. Right at the edges of your comfortable zone.Make sure to head to https://speakfrenchavecmoi.com/learn-real-french-3-for-beginners-at-the-cafe/ to check out the transcription AFTER listening.I’ve curated and edited a real audio of a conversation between a young waiter and two women. In this 30 seconds audio, he takes their order as the two women sit together for breakfast. The audio is played at real speed with some music background. I’ll play it three times. The third time is slowed down. Don’t worry if don’t understand everything. The goal is to build your comprehension of real spoken French. You’ll learn new vocabulary in the context but more importantly, you can listen and repeat to tune into the pace and flow of spoken French!New! You can now become an official supporter of the podcast, with access to limited and exclusive episodes (operated by Spreaker). More to come soon! Sign up today to start to speak and understand French!Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/french-speak-french-avec-moi--4468664/support.
Have you ever struggled when you speak French? I've created a simple, easy, and enjoyable podcast to bring the joy of knowing French for all travelers and beginners. Imagine how you will feel when you travel to Paris and speak fluently in French! For that, you only need to listen to the podcast and make sure to head to www.speakfrenchavecmoi.com for the transcripts.Merci, au revoir et à bientôt.SéverineBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/french-speak-french-avec-moi--4468664/support.