Modernize your music marketing and explore the behind the scenes of what it takes to succeed in the music industry. Join our host, Andrew Southworth, to learn h...
Artist Branding & Coaching Superstars feat. Wendy Parr
Wendy Parr is a holistic vocal coach with 20 years of experience working with big name artists, and she's won a Grammy for her songwriting work. Many music industry vets hail Wendy as ‘The Artist’s Secret Weapon’. Wendy Parr's Blueprint Course.🚀 Spotify Growth Machine Course🏆 Hire us to run your ads🌍 Best website / store / funnels for music artists (get your 14-day FREE trial!)👥 Fan Growth Machine Course🎬 YouTube Growth Machine Course🧑💻 Consultations📰Join the FREE Music Marketing Monday newsletter⌨️ Chat in the community (FREE)
TikTok Expert Exposes The Algorithm feat. Taran Gray
In this video Taran Gray and I talk about how artists can make money from music without relying on streams, and how to capitalize on the TikTok algorithm. Taran is a TikTok content specialist managing content for Yamaha and other popular brands, and he runs a content marketing agency called Social Play Digital.🚀 Spotify Growth Machine Course🏆 Hire us to run your ads🌍 Best website / store / funnels for music artists (get your 14-day FREE trial!)👥 Fan Growth Machine Course🎬 YouTube Growth Machine Course🧑💻 Consultations📰Join the FREE Music Marketing Monday newsletter⌨️ Chat in the community (FREE)
Taylor Swift's Former Manager Rips Apart My Band's Instagram - feat. Rick Barker
In this video Rick Barker (Taylor Swift's former manager) rips apart my band's Instagram, and shows me how to automate fan growth on Instagram. Get lifetime access to Instachamp Platinum here.🚀 Spotify Growth Machine Course🏆 Hire us to run your ads🌍 Best website / store / funnels for music artists (get your 14-day FREE trial!)👥 Fan Growth Machine Course🎬 YouTube Growth Machine Course🧑💻 Consultations📰Join the FREE Music Marketing Monday newsletter⌨️ Chat in the community (FREE)
Making Money From Presets and Sample Packs feat. Agent Method
In this video I chat with Agent Method about being a professional sound designer and composer, getting paid to make presets, sample packs and more.Links from Agent Method - ChatGPT4 Contract GuruSerum Survival PackMore Info🚀 Spotify Growth Machine Course🏆 Hire us to run your ads🌍 Best website / store / funnels for music artists (get your 14-day FREE trial!)👥 Fan Growth Machine Course🎬 YouTube Growth Machine Course🧑💻 Consultations📰Join the FREE Music Marketing Monday newsletter⌨️ Chat in the community (FREE)
How To Grow Your Fanbase with Giovanni Bottan (Smart Noise)
In this episode I talk to Giovanni Bottan, the founder of Smart Noise, about how artists can grow their fanbase. We talk about ad tactics, other music marketing methods and how Smart Noise can help. Check out Smart Noise🚀 Spotify Growth Machine Course🏆 Hire us to run your ads🌍 Best website / store / funnels for music artists (get your 14-day FREE trial!)👥 Fan Growth Machine Course🎬 YouTube Growth Machine Course🧑💻 Consultations⌨️ Chat in the community (FREE)🎤 Modern Music Marketing Podcast
Modernize your music marketing and explore the behind the scenes of what it takes to succeed in the music industry. Join our host, Andrew Southworth, to learn how to invest in yourself & grow your music business from speaking with people doing cool things in the music industry.