The Bomb Hole Snowboard Podcast is hosted by professional snowboarder Chris Grenier with a new guest in studio every week. A blend of inspiration and humor thro...
Bomb Hole Group Chat #18 With Sam Taxwood, Knut Eliassen and Kelsey Boyer
In this week’s installment of Group Chat Chris and Silk sit down with Sam Taxwood, Knut Eliassen and Kelsey Boyer to dissect some of snowboarding’s hot topics. We call Tommy Gemse mid street trip to get some in the field updates. We finally get to the bottom of why rails are sticky sometimes. We dream for a resurgence in boardercross. And most importantly, we make fun of Knut’s head. All this and more on this week’s episode of Bomb Hole Group Chat!Keep up with the crewChris GrenierSam TaxwoodKnut EliassenKelsey BoyerSILKThanks to our call in guestsTommy GesmeRory BruderSpencer SchubertEddie WallFind episode show notes on our websiteSupport the show via PatreonSpecial thank you to our Patreon Members for making our show possible! Ask us questions and suggest topics for Group Chat when you become a member. Learn more and sign up here: all things Bomb HoleWebsiteInstagramYouTubeThis episode is sponsored byThe UninvitedSmithGoProSki-DooYetiBubs Naturals (Use BOMBHOLE at checkout for 20% off)Woodward CopperTurtleboxNitro SnowboardsSnow LeagueChapters00:00 Intro4:30 Run Through A Wall Trivia13:06 Best Mt. Hood Stories22:27 Bomb Hole Employee USASA Contest30:56 Ad (The Uninvited)32:29 Nitro Turbo Takes45:42 Call With Tommy Gemse57:12 Check In With Sam Taxwood1:09:37 Ads (Bubs Naturals, Woodward)1:11:16 Call With Rory Bruder: Why Are Rails Sticky?1:32:31 Ads (GoPro)1:33:30 Boardercross1:38:44 Check In With Kelsey Boyer: Save A Brain1:52:07 Product Talk2:05:30 Ad (Yeti)2:06:28 Answering Your Questions2:34:09 Heater Clips2:42:36 Call With Eddie Wall: Arbor SnowboardersCopyright Bomb Hole Media Inc. 2024
Charles Beckinsale | The Bomb Hole Episode 217
With all this talk about spin to win, halfpipe and the overall current state of snowboarding: there’s nobody better to talk to than a park builder. So we got one of the best, Charles Beckinsale, in studio to educate us all on something we likely take for granted. He gives us a deep dive into what makes the perfect jump. He explains the importance of smaller park features. And he drops some facts about the current state of contest snowboarding and the effort the goes into creating these mind blowing set ups. All this and more in an incredibly interesting and unique episode of The Bomb Hole!Full show notes on the siteFollow Charles on InstagramFollow Chris & SILKChris GrenierSILK DSpecial thank you to our Patreon members for making our show possible! Submit questions for guests, topics for Group Chat, and more when you become a member. Sign up here: episode is sponsored byBubs Naturals (Use BOMBHOLE at checkout for 20% off)Woodward Park CityNitro SnowboardsYetiJoey’s FootbedsGoodrLucyVaer WatchesSnow LeagueFor all things Bomb HoleWebsiteInstagramYouTubeChapters00:00 Intro2:39 Snowboard vs Ski / Sticky Rails7:04 Roots & Intro to Grooming24:52 Building Good Jumps36:56 Ads (Bubs Naturals, Woodward)38:08 The Stomping Grounds / Builder For Hire52:21 Terrain Park Health1:11:48 Ads (Joey’s Footbeds, Nitro)1:14:33 FaceTiming Ninja1:21:44 Progression1:38:40 NTVP1:41:20 Valhalla1:52:41 Ads (Snow League, Yeti)1:55:23 Step Ons1:58:11 In Motion / Creativity & Mindfullness2:08:06 Drawing, Bags, Fundies and Progress2:22:01 Answering Patreon Questions2:41:39 Ads (Good, Vaer, Lucy)2:44:54 Being A Dad2:49:12 Hot Takes3:00:25 Set Ups / Thank Yous / What’s NextCopyright Bomb Hole Media Inc. 2024
Eric Koston, Dashawn Jordan & Ishod Wair | The Bomb Hole Episode 216
We gathered some of the biggest names in skateboarding for this week's very special episode of The Bomb Hole. Eric Koston, Dashawn Jordan and Ishod Wair join us in studio to discuss some of life's deepest questions such as: who has the greatest kickflip, what exactly are smelling salts, and where does the word "hubba" come from? We get into that and so much more with an unlimited supply of banter in between. You better not miss this week's episode of The Bomb Hole!Follow Eric, Dashawn & IshodEric KostonDashawn JordanIshod WairFull show notes on the siteSpecial thank you to our Patreon members for making our show possible! Submit questions for guests, topics for Group Chat, and more when you become a member. Sign up here: episode is sponsored byBubs Naturals (Use BOMBHOLE at checkout for 20% off)Nitro SnowboardsYetiWoodward Copper10 Barrel's Pub BeerSnow LeagueGoodrLucyVaerHerschelFor all things Bomb HoleWebsiteInstagramYouTubeChapters00:00 Intro1:50 SLC & Snowboarding9:15 Skating With Music10:55 Run Through A Wall Trivia19:24 Life Before Skating22:29 Twin Shaped Decks34:39 Ads (Bubs Naturals, Woodward, Nitro)37:25 NTVP39:48 Hubbas & Crooked Grinds51:27 Laser Flips57:51 Ads (Herschel, Yeti, Pub Beer)1:00:04 SOTY1:08:38 Trick Nerd Stuff1:19:46 A Fast Paced Life / Distractions1:27:00 Ads (Goodr, Snow League, Vaer, Lucy)1:31:58 Hot TakesCopyright Bomb Hole Media Inc. 2024
Bomb Hole Group Chat #17 with Travis Rice, Bjorn Leines & Jaylen Hanson
In what we're claiming to be our most action packed Group Chat yet, we bring you an incredible cast of characters: Travis Rice, Bjorn Leines and Jaylen Hanson. With the banter flowing, we take deep dives where divers haven't yet dared to dive. We pin Travis and Bjorn against each other in ways never done before. Travis Rice somehow seems okay even though Natural Selection continues to be an exponentially growing logistical nightmare. Bjorn Leines says he has a better method than Travis. We explore the recent X-Games events, the winners, the new formats, and the insane moves of Wang Ziyang. We discovered that Jaylen Hanson is smarter and more put together than anybody in the studio was when they were her age. We break down some product, we hear war stories from Chad's Gap and we answer all the questions you submitted on this week's episode of Bomb Hole Group Chat!Keep up with the crewChris GrenierTravis RiceBjorn LeinesJaylen HansonSILKThanks to our call in guestsJared ElstonHailey LanglandTodd RichardsShow notes on our websiteSpecial thank you to our Patreon Members for making our show possible! Ask us questions and suggest topics for Group Chat when you become a member. Learn more and sign up here: all things Bomb HoleWebsiteInstagramYouTubeThis episode is sponsored byJoey's FootbedsBubs Naturals (Use BOMBHOLE at checkout for 20% off)Woodward TahoeMammoth MountainTurtleboxNitro SnowboardsHerschelSnow LeagueonX MapsChapters00:00 Intro5:22 Natural Selection19:23 Nitro Turbo Takes40:54 Ads (Bubs Naturals & Joey's Footbeds)43:35 FaceTime With Jared Elston: Mechanical Bull52:04 Check In With Jaylen Hanson: X-Games Bronze1:10:48 Ads (Herschel, Turtlebox, Woodward)1:13:27 Run Through A Wall Trivia1:20:03 Chad's Gap & Pyramid Gap1:28:15 Product Talk: Bindings & Flex Patterns1:51:54 Ads (Mammoth, onX)1:55:02 Call With Hailey Langland: X-Games2:17:02 Call With Todd Richards: Wang & Flat Ground Tricks2:30:58 Check In With Bjorn Leines2:39:23 Answering Your Instagram QuestionsCopyright Bomb Hole Media Inc. 2024
Colleen Quigley | The Bomb Hole Episode 215
In an incredibly interesting and insightful episode of The Bomb Hole, we were blessed to be joined by Colleen Quigley. Her passion for snowboarding and community have helped her pave a unique path through the industry. Navigating the switch from rider to marketing poured gasoline on the fire for Colleen. Figurative gasoline that is, because Colleen now works in marketing over at Patagonia where she passionately helps lead the charge in protecting our planet. She’s a mother, an industry leader, and contains endless knowledge about the culture and community we all know and love. So sit back, relax, and listen up for this special episode of The Bomb Hole!Follow Colleen on InstagramFull show notes on the site!Follow Chris, Bryan, and Nick on Instragram Chris GrenierBryan FoxNick RussellSpecial thank you to our Patreon members for making our show possible! Submit questions for guests, topics for Group Chat, and more when you become a member. Sign up here: episode is sponsored byBubs Naturals (Use BOMBHOLE at checkout for 20% off)Mammoth MountainNitro SnowboardsYetiTurtleboxWoodward Park City10 Barrel's Pub BeerSnow LeagueFor all things Bomb HoleWebsite | | | Intro4:42 Peer Pressure10:49 Early Snowboarding14:33 Eastern Boarder30:01 Ads (Bubs Naturals, Snow League, Woodward Park City)33:15 The Rise of C-Quigs: Sponsors / A Male Dominated Field47:25 Moving Behind The Scenes: Salomon, Dakine & Advice1:21:38 NTVP Presented by Turtlebox1:28:15 Ads (Nitro, Pub Beer)1:29:50 Mammoth Mountain & Motherhood1:35:56 Lobbying For Riders & Corporations2:03:55 Ads (Mammoth, Yeti)2:06:41 A Visit From Nick Russell: Patagonia2:33:56 Ski Resorts & Pregnancy2:46:32 Hot Takes2:52:09 Set Ups / What’s Next / Thank YousCopyright Bomb Hole Media Inc. 2024
The Bomb Hole Snowboard Podcast is hosted by professional snowboarder Chris Grenier with a new guest in studio every week. A blend of inspiration and humor through the stories of snowboarding's top athletes as they take you through their personal journey every week, while navigating life's bomb holes and successes. Also available on YouTube.BOMBHOLE.COM