The Runner's World podcast is your weekly dose of all things running.
Hosted by Rick Pearson and Ben Hobson, we are here to inform and entertain with unique int...
In the April 2025 issue of the magazine, we've made a list of 50 game changers in running and we thought we'd randomly choose some of the amazing people and chat about them and why they're of significance.
You can either agree or disagree, that's the wonderful thing about lists!
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Rudy O'Halloran: how running changed his life
Meet Rudy O'Halloran, the former drug dealer who discovered the power of exercise (and reading) when in prison and came out determined to make a difference to his life and the lives of others.
We spoke to the founder of ROCUP running club about turning his life around, what it means to him to try and help others and how running can make all the difference.
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Is there a perfect running cadence?
Physio Tom Goom joins Rick and Ben to discuss running and cadence.
Often touted as a golden metric that can transform your running and prevent injury, we discuss if there is a magic number that can solve all problems, what do metrics like ground contact time and stride length have to do with it and if runners need to worry about their step rate.
Rick mentions a study in the intro, this is it -
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2025 running gear trends
Breaking out the crystal ball, Ben and Rick are joined by Ali to discuss a few of the trends that we're seeing in running gear and tech in 2025, plus what the future might hold (carbon plated super sandals etc).
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Steve Magness: how to reduce pre-race nerves
If, like many runners, you've battled overwhelming pre-race anxiety, this is the episode for you. On it, renowned sports psychologist Steve Magness discusses the new book, Win the Inside Game, which offers exert advice on how to reframe failure and learn to harness pressure in the right way.
Win the Inside Game is out now:
For more on Magness, visit:
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The Runner's World podcast is your weekly dose of all things running.
Hosted by Rick Pearson and Ben Hobson, we are here to inform and entertain with unique interviews, advice and in-depth discussions from celebrity guests, elite athletes, pro coaches, musicians, comedians and everyday runners, focusing on every element from the world of running.