What if we could "kick" one electron now and have a current going on forever? Christoph Heil, Professor at Graz University of Technology, tells us that when things get really (really!) cool this is already possible. But it comes at a price...
To tell us what you think about the podcast and/or if you want to take part in the audience participation section, send an email to
[email protected] and we will get back to you and set you up. Every feedback is appreciated!References:Christoph Heil’s group webpage:https://cheil.github.io/"Talk Science to Me“ podcast episode:https://letscast.fm/sites/talk-science-to-me-33062f96/episode/talk-science-to-me-29-supraleiter"I Spy Science" Youtube video on superconductors:https://youtu.be/l4u-GYTrByUA roadmap article from 2021 about superconductivity (open access):https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1361-648X/ac2864